security dog

Why would you choose to have a security dog? 

Intelligent, trustworthy and courageous, what more is there to say? Security dogs have been – and continue to be – a security guard’s best friend. This is a traditional type of security compared to the technology that has been developed and is a more personable choice. Security dogs are a highly effective security measure; they provide health and wellbeing benefits to their owners and help to protect people and premises. But with so many alternative security solutions, why would you choose to have a security dog? 

Quick reaction times 

How many times has your dog sprinted to the door and barked before anyone has even knocked yet? I can guess your answer was a lot and this just goes to show how much quicker their reaction times are compared to ours. This characteristic is useful when working in security – they can evaluate situations promptly and act upon them if needed. Their natural curiosity means they investigate any unusual activity, suspicious noises or skeptical characters and will bark immediately, acting as a security alarm and warning people of danger. In most cases, their bark can also be enough to startle an intruder. Certain breeds are suited more for this role than others. Security dogs usually include Bullmastiffs, German Shepards, Rottweilers and Giant Schnauzers as they can be extremely reliable, trustworthy and intelligent. A dog never lets their guard down meaning they are always alert and can be quick to take action. 

security dog benefits

Physical deterrent 

A correctly trained dog will not harm someone for no reason however, if a threat is posed they have the intelligence and strength to act on the situation. They have natural hunting capabilities, are alert, responsive and can do much more than bark if needed. A security dog’s physical characteristics such as a strong jaw and sharp claws can act as a physical threat to criminals as well as the daunting sound of an energetic bark. Trained dogs are fit enough to outrun people so the last thing any criminal wants is to be chased – it’s an experience most people try to avoid. 


It’s no wonder dogs are known as a man’s best friend, as they have a heart of gold and are some of the most loyal animals we associate with. They develop a territorial instinct and a sense of protection to what they think is theirs. This means they will look out for their owners and property if they feel it’s in any danger. Dogs can also be trained to only take commands from their owners. This makes it extremely hard to divert their attention or bribe them with treats or toys. Their loyalty, companionship and protective qualities are just a handful of reasons why they are popular house pets as well as security dogs. 


Dogs are extremely intelligent; they can pick up words, voices and body language as well as sensing if something is not right or if danger is present. A security dog will keep a close eye on all of their surroundings meaning if anything was to occur they can take action immediately. Once correctly trained, they become much more capable and are not afraid to step in and protect either someone or something against threat. 

Security dogs for businesses

Stress relieving

It’s no secret that being around, petting or seeing a dog makes you feel good and releases endorphins – this includes security dogs. In fact, it has been proven that dogs help to lower both your blood pressure and cholesterol. When working, they can help to relieve security guards’ stress levels and provide a comforting present when they are by their side. Security dogs offer that extra layer of protection and – due to their loyalty – security guards know they can rely on them. 

What makes a good security dog?

Despite already having the right attributes from birth, there are things that need to be done to ensure the dog is well looked after, healthy and happy. A security dog needs to have the ability to protect you; this takes courage, strength and overall temperament which can be built over time. They will need to be trained correctly in obedience and commands to ensure they perform their very best. However they also need to be shown love and affection. A strong bond needs to be built for their overall happiness and to establish a sense of ownership. Finally, they must maintain the correct diet, ensuring they are getting the right nutrition for their health; this is vital for ensuring your security dog keeps you safe. You should be neither under or over-feeding and should maintain proper timings. 

There are many reasons why people choose security dogs to keep them safe; their intelligence, loyalty and quick reaction times allow them to protect you against any threat. This type of security is highly effective as their work protects premises and people whilst providing a loyal companion to work alongside security guards. SecurePro is proud to offer a range of security services including dog handling. Our specialists work to the highest industry standards to ensure our dogs are trained correctly to keep you safe. If you have any questions or would like more information, contact us today. You can speak to a member of our team on 01384 378300 to see how we can assist.

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