What is the purpose of an event steward?

Event stewards are trained professionals hired to ensure an event runs smoothly and all attendees are kept safe.

When planning an event it is vital you have the right security to ensure it is both safe and enjoyable for all attending. There are many ways you can keep an event safe and as the organiser it is your responsibility to ensure that large crowds are managed correctly – often this is done by ensuring there are trained event stewards present. Without this type of security in place the safety of the event will be greatly compromised. But why? What is the purpose of an event steward?

What is an event steward?

Event stewards are trained professionals hired to ensure an event runs smoothly and all attendees are kept safe. They work within all sorts of events and if you have ever attended a music festival, sports match, car rally or protest then you have most likely seen them there. An event stewards communication and organisation skills, reliable and responsible characteristics and focused attention are what helps to ensure the success of any event. They are trained to deal with a variety of responsibilities and roles; this includes providing guidance to attendees, being the first point of contact and preventing any unlawful entry into the venue or event. Event stewards also provide a link between the public and the event management team and oversee crowd control to ensure the event can go as planned. 

importance of stewards

What do event stewards do?

Event stewards are trusted with multiple responsibilities and can fill a vast array of roles; they have the skill and knowledge to ensure an event is safe and runs smoothly. An event steward is there to offer a reassuring presence, manage entrances and exits, undertake any searches, liaise with event management and take control of any antisocial behaviour; they are also usually the first face you will see when attending an event. Event stewards have health and safety responsibilities too, they must be present to help maintain the health and safety of all attending the event. The amount of stewards your event needs will depend on how many people are attending and the type and size of the event. 

The importance of event stewards

Without event stewards present the event will not be as successful; this is because they can keep control of the crowd, offer reassurance and diffuse any situations that may arise. A steward ensures the event can run smoothly. As trained professionals they can provide a safe and secure event – taking away the pressure and providing peace of mind. It makes it easier to delegate different tasks out and ensure everyone knows what their specific role is. They are also able to carry out risk assessments. Before the event takes place a risk assessment can be carried out to evaluate health and safety risks and determine how many stewards the event will need. From this it means you can also put the correct strategies in place to avoid any potential harm. The presence of an event steward also helps to provide reassuring assistance to those that need it; it helps attendees feel safe and secure and they know where to go if they need help or feel they are in any danger. 

event barriers

As stewards are often the first face you see at an event it’s important they display a professional yet friendly face to welcome people in. They are able to provide assistance to all attendees and take care of everyone at the event or inside the venue. Within their role they can check who has access, monitor who is entering the venue and ensure that everyone there is supposed to be. Due to their training they are also equipped to protect against any unlawful behaviour – this could be vandalism, fights, drug misuse or drunken behaviour. Sadly, not everyone who attends an event has the same idea and people’s idea of a fun time can differentiate; an event steward can diffuse, intervene and sort any situation that may occur. 

Without the presence of a steward an event will struggle to succeed. They offer a reassuring presence, work towards ensuring a safe and secure event, control the crowd and help to diffuse any unlawful situations. Large scale events bring in thousands of attendees and it is vital that the right security is put in place to keep everyone – including staff – protected. Here at SecurePro we are proud to offer a range of event security services including event stewarding. Our expert team is on hand to ensure your event is carried out smoothly and is both safe and secure for all attending. Your safety is our number one priority. For more information or to speak to a member of the team contact us today on 01384 378300 for a confidential discussion.

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